ERSEM tutorials

ERSEM is mainly run with 3D hydrodynamic models such as NEMO and FVCOM. However, due to its flexiblilty, it can also be run as a 0D box model or within a 1D water column, via GOTM. Parts of the library can also be called directly from Python through the pyfabm interface. Here we describe several tutorials for the common use cases for ERSEM.

conda installation

We recommend using conda to obtain the latest version of ersem. The conda package includes interfaces for Python front-end (pyfabm), fabm0d: ERSEM in an aquarium and GOTM: ERSEM in a water column tutorials, and can be installed as follows:

conda create -n ersem-tut -y
conda activate ersem-tut
conda install -c pmlmodelling ersem -y

To install ersem from source please look at the developers documentation.